In an effort to make the most efficient use of our applicants' time, we have designed our Internet exam process to use the State Application.
Since the State has an application that can be completed on the Internet, stored on CalHR's server, and printed when needed, we have decided to use the State Application as part of the Internet exam process and eliminate some work for the applicant.
Applicants should be aware that when using the State Application there are limitations to some of the information fields.
Those limitations are:
Note: The City must use alpha characters only (i.e., if you live in 29 Palms, instead of using digits you must spell out the words Twenty-Nine Palms).
The Internet Application and Examination process is a self-paced process, and there is no time limit for completion. For planning purposes, this process will take approximately one-half to one hour to complete. Please note that each examination page will time out after twenty minutes. Unless you select continue and move to the next page, your responses will not be saved. We recommend using Chrome, Firefox, or Edge for optimal performance when accessing the examination.
If you are not familiar with the Internet, you may seek assistance on how to use the Internet.
The California Department of Human Resources recognizes that problems may occur with Internet systems while a candidate is in the middle of submitting application materials. Should you encounter computer problems while submitting your application materials, simply log back on with your User I.D. and password to continue. In the event that you encounter problems with the Internet that you are unable to resolve, you may:
Such requests may be submitted either in writing or by e-mail.
Written requests to re-submit application materials should be mailed to:
California Department of Human Resources 1515 S Street, Suite 400 North Building Sacramento, CA 95811
E-mail requests to re-submit application materials should be sent via the Internet to
If you are a State of California Civil Service employee, please consult your departmental personnel office before using State equipment and/or time to take this examination.
Misuse of any State computing system is a violation of Section 502 of the California Penal Code and/or applicable Federal law, and is subject to prosecution. Taking this examination for practice or for any other reason not related to establishing list eligibility is considered a misuse of this computer system.
Providing false information on a State examination is a violation of State law, and could result in an individual being removed from an employment list and banned from future employment with the State. Applicants successful in this examination and called for a hiring interview will be required to bring documentation of all education and experience claimed on the examination questions.
Results of the examination will be available upon completion of your test. Please be patient as your test is scored and your results returned to you on the screen.
You are responsible for keeping your contact information up-to-date. If you do not respond to a job offer or do not appear after you have accepted employment, your name will be placed inactive on the eligible list and you will not be contacted for future interviews until you request that your name be restored.
You may update your contact information here. (Please note: These changes MUST be made through the Internet or in writing, and should not be made by phone through the Department or the California Department of Human Resources.)